论文 Xiaoxue Sun, Jiangnan Wang, Miao Zhang, Zunqi Liu, Yang E, Jun Meng, Tianyi He, Combined application of biochar and sulfur alleviates cadmium toxicity in rice by affecting root gene expression and iron plaque accumulation, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Jun Meng,Tianyi He,Edmond Sanganyado,Yu Lan,Weiming Zhang,Xiaori Han,Wenfu Chen, Development of the straw biochar returning concept in China, Biochar. Xu Zhiyu,Sun Renhua,He Tianyi,Sun Yuanze,Wu Mochen,Xue Yinghao,Meng Fanqiao, Wang Jie,Disentangling the impact of straw incorporation on soil microbial communities: Enhanced network complexity and ecological stochasticity,Science of the total environment. Xiaoxue Sun, Jiangnan Wang, Miao Zhang, Zunqi Liu, Yang E, Yu Lan, Tianyi He, and Jun Meng,Effects of Biochar on the Cd Uptake by Rice and the Cd Fractions in Paddy Soil: A 3-Year Field Experiment,Agronomy. Dezhi Ren, Luji Zhang, Huiting Cheng, Jun Meng, Tianyi He, Calibration of Contact Parameters of Biochar Based on Discrete Element Method, Journal of the ASABE. He Tianyi ; Meng Jun ; Chen Wenfu; Liu Zunqi; Cao Ting; Cheng Xiaoyi; Huang Yuwei; Yang Xu, Effects of Biochar on Cadmium Accumulation in Rice and Cadmium Fractions of Soil: A Three-Year Pot Experiment , BioResources. 王江南, 孙晓雪, 杨玲辉, 姜楠, 张淼, 刘遵奇, 赫天一,壳聚糖、铁锰改性稻壳生物炭的表征及其Cd2+吸附性能研究,农业环境科学学报. 任德志, 张露籍, 宫元娟, 孟军, 赫天一,生物炭基肥离散元模型参数标定与试验,沈阳农业大学学报. 徐志宇, 薛颖昊, 张军, 孙仁华, 石祖梁, 赫天一, 王久臣, 基于文献计量的秸秆综合利用研究热点与前沿分析, 生态环境学报. |