论文著作: Gao, Shibo, Jinzhong Min, Limin Liu, et al., The development of a hybrid EnSRF-En3DVar system for convective-scale data assimilation. Atmospheric Research, 2019, 229: 208-223. Gao, Shibo, Jinzhong Min, Limin Liu, et al., Application of a Bayesian inflation approach to EnSRF radar data assimilation to improve the analysis and forecasting of an MCS. Meteorological Applications, 2019, 1-16. Gao, Shibo, Juanzhen Sun, Jinzhong Min, et al., A scheme to assimilate “No Rain” observations from Doppler radar. Weather and Forecasting, 2018, 33: 71-88. Gao, Shibo, Jinzhong Min, Comparison of 3DVar and EnSRF Data Assimilation Using Radar Observations for the Analysis and Prediction of an MCS." Advances in Meteorology, 2018, 2018.