论文: 1. Li Xiufen, Tian Yichen, Zheng xiao*, Cong Junxia, Song Lining. Characterizing 40 years of natural Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica carbon stocks in Northeast China using stand age from remote sensing time series. href="https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tres20/current" International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 41(6): 2391-2409. (SCI) 2. Li Xiufen*, Jin Lei, Zhu Chengyao, Wen Yongjing, Wang Yi. Combined stresses of light and chilling on photosynthesis of Fraxinus mandschurica seedlings in northeastern China. Photosynthetica, 2018, 56(4): 1218-1223. (SCI) 3. Li Xiufen, Jin Lei, Zhu Jiaojun*, Liu Limin, Zhang Jinxin, Wang Yi, Zhu Chengyao. Response of species and stand types to snow/wind damage in a temperate secondary forest, Northeast China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 29(2): 395-404. (SCI, 三区) 4. Li Xiufen, Wen Yongjing, Zhang Jinxin, Liu Limin*, Jin Lei, Yan Tao, Wang Yi. The effect of low-temperature event on the survival and growth of Juglans mandshurica seedlings within forest gaps. Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 29(4): 943-951. (SCI, 三区) 5. 李秀芬, 王平华, 刘江*, 金磊, 肇同斌, 孙英杰, 彭峰, 潘宇弘, 辽东山区1960—2015年降水极值特征, 生态学杂志, 2017, 36(8): 2160-2168. 6. 祝成瑶, 李秀芬*, 刘江, 张金鑫, 王一, 王涛. 2016. 辽东山区次生林林窗秋季最低温度时空分布特征. 生态学杂志, 2016, 35(6): 1411-1419. 7. 王一,刘江,张金鑫,李秀芬*,祝成瑶,肇同斌,岳元,战莘晔. 2015. 辽东山区天然次生林两个不同坡向林窗光温空间分布特征,生态学杂志,2015, 34(4): 933-940. 8. 李秀芬,朱教君*,王庆礼,张金鑫,祝成瑶,刘雪峰,刘利民. 2013. 森林低温霜冻灾害干扰研究综述. 生态学报,33(12): 3563-3574. 9. 李秀芬,刘利民,齐鑫,张金鑫,肇同斌,王一,刘雪峰,周永斌*. 2014. 晋西北生态脆弱区土地利用动态变化及驱动力. 应用生态学报,25(10):2959-2967. 10. 李秀芬,苏蕾,张金鑫,张泽秀,刘利民*,刘雪峰. 2013. 晋西北防护林30年来时空变化特征及影响要素. 生态学杂志,32(9):2382-2389. |